Yin Goddess

"It's the perfect balance. between yin and yang. that created a big bang, and all things in essence.” ― Antunes

  • Medium : Acrylic, Marker

  • Date : 2019

  • Original Size: 8” x 10”

“Yin Goddess” was inspired by my love of the Art Nouveau and the Chinese philosophy of yin and yang. In the world of duality, Yin is sometimes referred to as the the divine feminine energy. The dark half with the spec of white in the center.

I see a lot of similarities of the moon being a symbol for femininity. A more obvious example of the connection is the reproductive cycle. Furthermore, a lot of women, including myself, have adopted the moon as a symbol of their spirituality. It’s no wonder that ancient philosophers associated Yin with the night.

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Wind and Window Flower