Plutus, Goddess of Riches

"It was not always the night that frightened me, It was the fact that the sun's edge escaped it's own gravity."

  • Medium : Acrylic, Marker

  • Date : 2019

  • Original Size: 8” x 10”

Meant to mirror another piece of mine, Flora Goddess, and part of an ongoing series of painting Greek & Roman Gods. Both are inspired my love of the Art Nouveau movement, specifically Alphonse Mucha. The similarities of the two pieces are painterly strokes, whiplash curves, and circle that frames the subject.

“Plutus is the god and the personification of wealth, and the son of the goddess of agriculture Demeter.” ( Although Plutus is originally a man in the Greek myths, my version of Plutus is a woman.

Let your own interpretation be the focus of the art. Something I thought about when making the work was the dissociation in the pursuit of riches. A beautiful woman, covered in gold and jewels, but empty on the inside.

Take it home with you


Flora Goddess


Amphitrite, Goddess of the Sea