Artist’s Figure
"The art of life is to stay wide open and be vulnerable, yet at the same time to sit with the mystery and the awe and with the unbearable pain – to just be with it all.” - Ram Dass
Medium : Acrylic
Date : 2017
Original Size: 12” x 16”
A painting study I did while practicing life drawing and painting more loosely.
I like that the background seeps into her skin tones, and it’s almost like the subject and background blend together. Like form and emptiness bleeding out.
I think about how our external often colors our internal. Like when it’s raining in a movie, we know the character is probably melancholy.
In reality, it’s the other way around, it is our internal that shapes the external. My emotions about the situation inform my actions and then how people react to me. If I’m grumpy, then the whole room picks up on that energy. They may start to get grumpy or defensive. But when I bring my sunshiny personality, it might start to melt their walls.
However, with no thoughts, the figure and background are just in harmony with each other.